Kingdom hearts 4 reveal trailer
Kingdom hearts 4 reveal trailer

(Credit: despite Quadratum being heavily based on real life Tokyo, the writing on billboards and car plates in the trailer is not in Japanese but rather the fictional alphabet of the Kingdom Hearts universe which fans have dubbed ‘Scala Language’ (Credit to: )Īfter the city is introduced, a threat begins to emerge, darkness comes together and begins to form a Darkside enemy. So all in all, despite being dead, Sora has a nice place to live. The world of Quadratum is almost identical to the real world Tokyo, Japan, and the building Sora is in would be in Aoyama, one of the most expensive places to live. She goes on to explain how the world they are currently in: Quadratum can be seen as a form of afterlife for her and Sora. This character’s appearance is a shock because as she states in the trailer, she died last time we saw her. Many people on the internet didn’t recognize her, but players who have been following the entire Kingdom Hearts plot immediately knew she was Strelitzia from Kingdom Hearts Union Cross. It would look different, sure, but all Final Fantasy stuff looks different in this series.Īfter leaving the forest, the trailer cuts to Sora waking up in a mysterious location and meeting a girl he hasn’t seen before. What if this isn’t an AT-ST but rather Magitech Armor? Magitech has been appearing in more and more modern Square Enix games as of late, and Final Fantasy 6 has remained the 2D FF game that Kingdom Hearts pulls from the most. Could this be a sign of a Star Wars world coming to Kingdom Hearts? Credit to possibly, and I won’t dismiss the theory however, I would like to propose one of my own. At a glance there appears to be nothing special about this location but fans quickly noticed what appears to be the leg of an AT-ST Walker in the corner of the screen. Within the first half minute of the video we see a location unlike any of the others in the trailer, a forest-like area with several streams of water.

kingdom hearts 4 reveal trailer

I will be documenting everything important I notice about the trailer as well as what others have noticed, as well as credited who discovered them.

kingdom hearts 4 reveal trailer

Thus to make things simpler I am writing this analysis article. However with the fast speed which social media moves it’s easy to miss some people’s analysis of the trailer. I, like many other Kingdom Hearts fans, have watched the trailer multiple times and listened to other people’s thoughts on it. I mean, we had to wait a ridiculous number of years for Kingdom Hearts 3 to finally come out.This morning Square Enix celebrated the 20th anniversary of the Kingdom Hearts franchise by revealing the much anticipated Kingdom Hearts 4. Kingdom Hearts fans are no strangers to this, though. For now, we're just going to have to play the waiting game. Fans thought they were being trolled, but I guess not, eh? The artwork will be posted down below. There was also a very cool piece of artwork released earlier on Saturday which teased the reveal. This is no confirmation but it certainly looks likely.

kingdom hearts 4 reveal trailer

There have been rumors since Kingdom Hearts 3 that aspects of that project would be coming on in the future of Kingdom Hearts. I'm talking, of course, about the Final Fantasy versus XIII trailer. The trailer is also very reminiscent of another Nomura trailer from years ago. Sora is looking pretty spiffy in these brand-new realistic graphics. I did not wake up today expecting a Kingdom Hearts 4 announcement! As you can see, the art style is completely different. There's a lot to process here, and it'll probably take me most of the day to even wrap my head around it.

Kingdom hearts 4 reveal trailer